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Ho International Program (HINTEGRAM) is a non-governmental organization focused on the delivery of 21st-century hands-on practical employable skills. We aspire to find solutions to myriads of global problems, restore hope, create jobs, and alleviate poverty. 

Mission Statement

To run partnership programs for 21st-century skills that highlight and bridge gaps between the developed and third world countries through practical demonstration of scientific awareness outside the classroom. 


To become a world leader in tapping, inspiring, and nurturing young talents to revolutionize critical thinking, problem-solving, and job creation as an education goal instead of theoretical examination.


There is a real desire of experts in developed countries o share their expertise to help encourage development in third world countries , but time and effort are needed to sort out how they can be of help.


HINTEGRAM was founded by Christoffer Akpeloo. This is what he has to say about his inspiration for creating this organization.


"Equipping young people to navigate an increasingly interlinked and complex world is becoming a huge task to most developing countries especially in Africa. Whilst we recon the roles successive governments play in providing education to its citizenry, we observe that curriculum developers are faced with the temptation to keep adding contents to match the ever changing technological age. Most of these contents, unfortunately, are irrelevant to the contemporary age, resulting in a curriculum which is full of many contents but can hardly solve any real practical societal problem. The result is lack of jobs, the formation of large associations of unemployed graduate, illegal migrations to seek greener pastures, neglect of our environment, values culture and traditions leading to underdevelopment.


It is to keep grounds with this reality that the Ho International Exchange Program; formally, Ho International School Complex, an affiliate of the Ho International School- the change-makers, has come into being, to equip, prepare, coordinate and promote 21st century hands-on practical employable skills to find solutions to myriads of global problems, restore hope, create jobs, and alleviate poverty."


HINTEGRAM seeks to establish and operate an international exchange hub on a thirty-acre plot of land where rigorous 21st-century hands-on practical skills will be of prime importance in the field of agriculture, information technology, engineering, tourism, culture and tradition, music, health, environment, and entrepreneurship.



HINTEGRAM works to provide a platform for collaboration between local and international students studying in particular discipline to exchange information relating to the fields aforementioned.


HINTEGRAM is resolved to explore and restore nature by stimulating, promoting, and supporting conservation actions for halting biodiversity decline, preventing species' extinctions, and restoring and conserving intact habitats and ecosystems, on the ground, air, and in the water.

More about HINTEGRAM


Operational Principles

Youth Workforce and Entrepreneurship


HINTEGRAM Leadership 

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Michael Gregory,


Founder and Curator of

My Favorite Experiments/

Project director of science innovation and creativity centre at Hintegram/

Science educator

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Christoffer Agbenya Akpeloo, Founder & President

Senior Laboratory Technologist/

Science Educator/

Teacher at St. Francis College of Education 

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Mrs. Adjei Dufie, Leadership

Ho International school representative/ Ho International school teacher

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Mrs. Charisma Ameho, Leadership

Administrative secretary

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Anna Koh, Leadership

Koh-Ed Founder & CEO

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